Monday, January 19, 2009

Learning In-War-Time

I really liked this writing from Lewis. I was able to relate more to what he was talking about than the other readings. My favorite part of this reading was, "Thus we may have a duty to rescue a drowning man, and perhaps, if we live on a dangerous coast, to learn life-saving so as to be ready for any drowning man when he turns up.... The rescue of drowning men is, then the aduty worth dying for, but not worth living for." This summer I worked with a special needs day camp. One day when I was lifeguarding for the class a boy drown. From here on out my life changed. I really liked that Lewis said that saving someone is worth dying for, but not living for. It is not our duty to live just so that we can save a drowning many, but if it is our duty to be called to something like that then it is worth dying for.  We were not created just to save someone, or just to fight for our country.

Another part of this reading that really stuck out to me was doing things for the glory of God. Col. 3:23 has always been one of my favorite verses to refer to, it says, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men." God put us on this earth and whatever kind of work we are doing, we should remember that we are working for Him, and not for the glory of ourselves. Sarah brought up in class that right now we are in college, and it is our job to be in college and learn and work. We need to throw our entire being into our studies and experiences at school to glorify God. When the times comes that we become nurses, businessmen, teachers etc. we need to use the skills God has given to us and glorify Him for the ability to do all things. If we do not take this time and learn and educate ourselves then we are setting ourselves up for failure, and we are not ready to defend ourselves. It is important to be a well rounded person and educate ourselves on other peoples religions or beliefs. Everything that we do and learn must be done for the GLORY of God. 

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